Saturday, June 9, 2012

VOGUE to the rescue!! Hair tips :)

Hello readers!!

So, I am here to share the wonderful hair tips I found out in VOGUE UK with you. I hope you follow them 'coz it really works!

  • After washing your hair, rinse it with water as cold as you can bear. This will make the cuticle sit flat and your hair shine brilliantly.
  • Too much scrubbing hair dry with a towel will raise the cuticles and rob hair of shine. Squeeze the water out of the hair in a downwards motion and then wrap it up.
  • While blow drying, hold your hair dryer in the same position that your hairdresser does, i.e. above and behind your head. This way you're blowing the hot air flat down over the hair cuticle rather than up into it. The end result is sleek glossy hair and not dry, fluffy stuff.
  • For a professional, sleek look when blow-drying, move the nozzle of the hair dryer and hairbrush together with only the most minute of gaps between the two. The heat will smooth the cuticles down and not fluff them up.
  • When you need your conditioner to work overtime for your hair, massage in treatment conditioner instead of just dolloping it on. You'll help force the treatment ingredients in through the hair rather than simply dragging it over it.
  • Make gravity work for you: turn head upside down when brushing it. Gravity will bring blood to hair follicles and allow dust particles to fall from the hair. You'll also be brushing the most protected hair as opposed to the more ravaged, fragile outer stuff. 
  • Fighting fluff: If your curly hair tends to fluff up, mix some gel with silicone serum; the serum keeps the gel from stiffening and dulling the hair.
  • If your hair looks too ''done'' after leaving the hairdresser, go home and have a bath or hold your head over a steaming basin and the steam will help it settle into a more natural-looking style.
  • Remember that hair is perverse. Use reverse psychology. Blow dry in the opposite direction first: forwards and down if you want backwards lift, under if you want flicks up.
  • The last word. Just before the final finish, muss hair completely. You'll see where you've gone wrong or what will happen when you step outside into the breeze/mist, and when you put it back in place the effect will look more natural and less forced. 
Hope you guys really try this. It truly works!! ^_^

P.S. Beauty is within YOU! :) 

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